AIGA Reno/Tahoe presents: The Future of Design: A Discussion.

You are invited to AIGA Reno/Tahoe's Open Board Meeting. 

The main topic of discussion, The Future of Design in the Reno/Tahoe area.

Show up, comment, ask questions and bring ideas!

The board of directors of AIGA Reno/Tahoe is comprised completely of volunteers. We are a passionate, energetic group of designers and professionals who want to make the Reno/Tahoe creative community the best it possibly can be. We believe our community grows stronger the more we collaborate. 

Please register for this free event. Food and drinks will be supplied. 

October 18, 2018

E.L. Cord Museum School
at The Nevada Museum of Art

Questions? Contact Kelly or Connor at

When & Where
Thu, Oct 18, 2018 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM PDT
EL Cord Museum School
160 West Liberty Street
Reno, NV 89501